Creative Health and Wellbeing Partnership for Cornwall and Isles of Scilly

Cornwall Council's Public Health and Culture teams have jointly commissioned Arts Well to establish a Creative Health and Wellbeing Partnership to grow the contribution of the creative and cultural sector to improving health and wellbeing for individuals and communities in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. This demonstrates high level strategic support for the role that arts and culture can play in supporting social connectedness and provides an opportunity to raise the profile of the great work of so many people and organisations locally. Initially the Partnership will focus on informing the Health and Wellbeing Strategy delivery plans for Cornwall and Isles of Scilly and over the next few months Arts Well will be talking to individuals, groups and organisations about how they can be involved in the Partnership and its work.
Benefits of a Creative Health and Wellbeing Partnership
Share learning and knowledge of arts and health activities to benefit the local community and inform commissioning and funding decisions
Ensure that arts and health activities are responding to identified needs, are of good quality and, whilst recognising local contexts, provide equality of access
Provide strategic leadership and oversight of work in the field of arts, culture, health and wellbeing across Cornwall and Isles of Scilly, in a sector characterised by small, niche provider and locall-based small-scale activities to give greater coherence
Ability to secure additional investment through demonstration of a collaborative partnership across sectors
An opportunity for Cornwall to demonstrate leadership in this field, showcasing existing work and growing the quality and quantity of provision
Provide a distinctive element in the new 10-year Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Cornwall and Isles of Scilly